Your generous contribution is providing the means for us to carry out the ministry entrusted to us by God, to fight on the front lines for Holy Mother Church in this time of extreme crisis. You help us establish sanctuary communities that are both physical and spiritual refuges to nourish the faithful during these tumultuous times. We labor together for the preservation of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith, to bring the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments wherever they are not, regardless of enemies, human and diabolical, within or without. You help us meet the need of countless souls across America yearning to be fed by the Apostolic Mass, which is the most beautiful and true expression of our Catholic identity. Your support enables us to live an authentic life of adoration, prayer, penance, and service, preparing communities for the times ahead. As both hermits and missionary apostles we work to re-build the Church, form disciples, win souls to His love, save sinners and convert the nations. Most importantly we will never compromise the truths taught by Our Lord and passed on by Saints throughout the ages. Your support is important because there are so few shepherds who care for their sheep, but are hirelings who hinder the work of God. Therefore, we can only build and sustain by your generous offering. We count on one another in our various states of life, accomplishing the same mission, living the same holy Gospel, in love, in mercy, fighting fiercely for truth, beauty, and goodness, never to turn back. Thank you for your generous consideration! May God reward you a hundred fold!